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This model works. It's been tested on a small scale for a decade. It's effective and accessible for people with a wide variety of skills and abilities. Now it's time to take that model and scale it up to meet the need. 

At this point in time, we cannot accept any financial donations. I need your time and wisdom, not your money. I'm gathering people to create a non-profit corporation that will implement the CityDorms system on a large scale in a single city. When it's running smoothly we will expand it, franchise-style, to other municipalities. I'd love your time, expertise, and advice. Criticism is also welcome. I need people who have experience in homelessness, union leaders, business leaders, social workers, lawyers, engineers, designers, programmers, neighborhood leaders, marketers, artists, and folks with experience in starting a nonprofit. I can't do this alone.

To contact me, please send an e-mail to:

Karen Crisalli Winter

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